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Fundraising For Edinburgh Headway

Edinburgh Headway Group is very dependant on donations and fundraising. We are especially grateful to HBJ Gateley, the Cruden Foundation and many others for their invaluable support over the years. We welcome individual and group fundraising on our behalf and can supply relevant forms to record donations with or without Gift Aid.

We are extremely grateful to all our funders for the support they offer us.

Thank you!
Every donation we receive helps us to go that one step further to improving life after brain injury.
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Edinburgh Headway works within a set of ethical fundraising principles. These are as follows:

  • We do not employ third-party agencies to cold call and pressurise people in their own home! 

  • We do not employ 'chuggers' to accost people as they go about their daily lives.

  • We will provide people with all the support they may need should they choose to take on a fundraising challenge for Edinburgh Headway.

  • We will never give the 'hard sell'. If we have to convince people that we're worth supporting, we're not doing our jobs!

  • We promise not to bombard people with excessive mailshots.

  • We believe that people should have complete control over how much information they would like to receive from Edinburgh Headway.

  • We respect people’s privacy and will never share or sell their details or personal information to any other agency.

Please click here to view some of our supporters.

Edinburgh Headway believes that charitable fundraising should be conducted within an ethical framework.

At the end of last year there were many disappointing reports in the national media about the alleged fundraising methods of some of the biggest charities.  The national coverage of these issues in the media has damaged confidence in the voluntary sector.

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